Women eating desert at the Kronenhalle restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland. MR switzerland, swiss, europe, european, travel, tourism, swiss alps, alps, alpine, zurich, desert, kronenhalle, restaurant, painting, chagall, chagall painting, art

Women eating desert at the Kronenhalle restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland. MR

switzerland, swiss, europe, european, travel, tourism, swiss alps, alps, alpine, zurich, desert, kronenhalle, restaurant, painting, chagall, chagall painting, art

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Women eating desert at the Kronenhalle restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland. MR switzerland, swiss, europe, european, travel, tourism, swiss alps, alps, alpine, zurich, desert, kronenhalle, restaurant, painting, chagall, chagall painting, art
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switzerland, swiss, europe, european, travel, tourism, swiss alps, alps, alpine, zurich, desert, kronenhalle, restaurant, painting, chagall, chagall painting, art,
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